Respecting her privacy, I will just share that she had a prayer request for her unborn child. And I will also share that it was (and is) my privilege to continue to pray for their family.
We both shared we knew He is in control, but both were candid in saying that as a parent, grandparent, aunt...anyone who has ever loved a child with all their heart - deep down we always "worry".
What I didn't share with her, is that I too have recently been consumed with worry.
"Worry"...what a waste of time!
Why do I let it always get the best of me?
We have known for a few weeks that our precious little granddaughter was going to be fitted with a Doc Band.
It's one of those things that until you find out someone you care about is going to have one...and the reasons that surround why they may be fitted with just never "know".
Now, there are many reasons that children are fitted with Doc Bands. And I will share, gladly, Lil Miss M is only expected to wear hers for six weeks.
And, I will also gladly say that her condition has the ability to corrected. Can I get a big woo hoo!
So, after I got over the "worry" of the "what ifs"...then I moved on to "worry" about how she would feel.
Justin & Casey sent us a picture via phone as she got it on.
OK...I had prepared myself that she would be screaming, flailing to get it off, writhing with pain as it would surely be too conforming to be comfortable...and how would she ever sleep?!?! OK...I got pretty neurotic...I sort of made myself sick with "worry".
So as I forced myself to "accept" the message and look at the photo...there she was, no grimace, she was just there looking into the camera. Yes, she was a little fussy for a day or two...but - so far - that's pretty much it.
I couldn't wait to get there, to see her, for the visual assurance that she truly wasn't in any sort of pain.
And just look, she is - as always...

And certainly she did not appear to be any discomfort, actually she was looking fairly proud of her new fashion accessory (it weighs 6 oz. feels like hard foam, and she sleeps fine)...

And I can't tell you how Lolli's heart moved right back into it's place when we saw her flash one of these....

I'm sure there will be another "worry"...legitimate or not...and when I "worry" myself into another corner, I will once again look for:
"...Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." Psalm 116:1-7
If you "worry" should go spend some time there ;p
(and before I forget it...thank you Doc Band)